Learn More With Resources
for Teachers & Students
The Museum has developed lesson plans for teachers, a webinar for distance learning, and other resources to help you learn and teach more about The Arsenal of Democracy.
“Out-Producing the Enemy:” American Production During WWII
This interdisciplinary lesson plan for grades 6-8 explores US strategies for boosting wartime manufacturing and has students calculate the number of supplies produced.
Who’s Who in WWII Production Fact Sheet
Meet some of the important men in American industry who helped the US to accomplish a “production miracle” in WWII.
Classroom Activity:
Who Produced What for the War?In this matching activity, find out which well-known companies produced what military supplies for the war effort.
The Post Industrial Revolution: A Cross-Country Webinar about Mass Production on the Home Front
Discover how US industries exceeded production goals through teamwork & innovation in a virtual trip featuring the Yankee Air Museum Belleville, MI!
Stay in the know about the latest classroom offerings from The National WWII Museum. Sign up for Calling All Teachers eNews.
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